Rasi Research & Development is recognized by DSIR, Govt.of.India. A pool of 200+ acres research farms, 55,000 sq.ft of greenhouses located at various locations and a state of art biotech facility located at Attur, Salem is employed to suit the Research and Development need. Rasi seeds focuses to create products that are high in yield and are also insect/disease resistant. Multi location breeding stations & testing centers for trials with 60 + scientists including several PhD scholars adopt a multi-disciplinary effort to deliver word-class farming solutions by meeting various challenges.

Crop Breeding
- High yielding cotton lines / hybrids with Bollgard technology for bollworm resistance
- High yielding maize hybrids of different maturity groups
- Elite rice lines / hybrids with bacterial leaf blight and blast resistance with high yield
- Pearl millet hybrids with compact ear-head and stay green with downy mildew resistance and high yield
- High yielding wheat lines / hybrids with high grain protein and rust resistance
- High yielding mustard lines / hybrids with high oil content and biotic and abiotic stress resistance tolerance
Biotech team of Scientists makes use of latest state-of-the-art technologies to serve farmers with sustainable prosperity.
Its activities include research and development of products with Insect/disease resistance as well high yield with improved tolerance to drought traits.
Few of our biotech efforts are focusing on
- Molecular breeding for agronomically important traits in cotton, rice and maize
- Genetic engineering of rice and brinjal for insect resistance
- Genetic engineering of bhendi and cotton for virus resistance
- Diagnosis of viruses
Biotech Activities
Double Haploid
- Generation advancement in rice
- Fixation of homozygous rice lines
- Fastening the trait introgression
- Rapid development of inbred lines for hybrid production
Molecular Breeding

- Development of DNA markers for CLCuV resistant gene
- MABC – Bt genes and GMS genes introgression
- Zygosity analysis in cotton transgenic crops
- DNA Fingerprinting of Rasi Proprietary Cotton lines

- Genetic diversity studies in Rasi Proprietary Maize lines
- DNA fingerprinting of Rasi Proprietary Maize Lines

- Molecular breeding for BLB resistance
- Molecular breeding for BPH resistance
- MABC for trait introgression
- DNA fingerprinting of Rasi Proprietary Rice lines